Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Well chalk another one up for me - got Abies room all painted. We had a little issue at the paint store with the color so I had to have the salesman work her over on another color, so we ended up with this pale hot pink and got home started my project yesterday, well hubby comes into the room and within seconds steps into the paint can! who steps into a paint can? I would expect one of my foursome to do it but not the burly man. I started freaking out like crazy I run to grab some plastic trash bags and he is telling me to calm down. Calm down? You just spilled an ENTIRE gallon of paint on the CARPET! Seriously calm down? Then he starts getting all pissy cause he has paint on his foot? Oh geez sorry but you can shower I cant replace the carpet at the moment! AAAAGGGHHHH! Well any hoot I get it picked up, he showers and tries to scrub what he can out of the carpet. I now have pink carpet. If your an optomistic person than you can call it a bonus- I call it a major screw up. So I clean up for the night take the kids to the carnival down the road. We all know how much I lOVE carnivals (sense the sarcasm yet) Unlike last time I let the kids rape me of all my money for the games I made them take their allowance. Funny they didnt play one game since it was their money! HA! I got my son on that pirate boat that goes back and forth - well he almost splattered everyone with vomit. - note to self the child does not like heights. So we move to the gravitron (not good for me I had some alcoholic bevs brewing in the ol gut) But I took it for the team, he had a blast. My 6 year old wanted to do it next so I went for round 2 on the gravitron. If you dont know what it is - its the space ship looking thing that spins really fast and sucks you to the walls and the seats slide up and down. Well everthing was fine and dandy and the little devil in me came out, I reached up and pushed his seat up and I seriously think he crapped himself. Seriously. When we got out hubby had funnel cake and fried twinkies... Fried twinkies? Its a whole lotta heaven fried in a whole lotta grease - by God it was amazing... LOL Try it trust me you will love it. It was a great end to the day. But as for today the room has been painted in full pink. Off to the decor now!